Monday, 18 July 2016

Not so far and wide

After a bit of dashing around the country chronicled in my last post, staying closer to home has also been quite rewarding recently on the wildlife photography front. A Privet Hawkmoth in the moth trap in our small urban garden was a first - even my hard-to-impress sons had to admit it was pretty showbiz. Slightly further afield, Silver-studded Blue Butterflies have been out on the Dorset heaths for several weeks - in large numbers at Stoborough judging by a short visit after work one sunny evening last week. And a few miles further still, but still in Purbeck, Small Pearl-bordered Fritillaries have been on the wing at one of the few sites in Dorset where they can still be found. First up though, a local celebrity in the form of a Nightjar which has been spending the day roosting at Arne RSPB, boosting the chances of many visitors of catching up with this species in daylight as well as the coffers of the café in whose grounds it has taken up residence.
Nightjar, Arne
Backyard beast: Privet Hawkmoth in our Wareham garden

Adder near Wareham

Underwings don't come much pearlier than this: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary: sadly now a rarity in Dorset
Common Lizard on the Purbeck Heaths
Silver-studded Blue, Stoborough Heath
The silver studs are just visible on this roosting male
This is a female Silver-studded Blue
The silver studs are more prominent on this female
Beautiful colours catching the late evening sun
Another fresh male
Silver-studded Blue

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