Saturday, 10 July 2010
Dawn 'til Dusk (part I): quest for Quail
In 10 years of birding in Britain I have somehow not managed to see Quail. Heard plenty, but never set eyes on one. Having decided to head to East Anglia for a long day trip, stopping off at some likely sites on the way in Hertfordshire therefore seemed like a good idea. I left home at 04:30 and arrived just before 07:00 at Wallingford. There was no sign, but some excellent views of Corn Bunting (above) and Yellow Wagtail made for an enjoyable start to the day. Moving on to nearby Deadman's Hill, I stepped out of the car and immediately flushed two Quail (right) - had I known I probably could have stayed in the vehicle and enjoyed close views! As it was I just managed a couple of shots before they dropped into a pea field. Both birds then traded 'wet my lips' calls for a few minutes before falling silent again. A promising start to the day...