After a long day in the mountains of the Serra de Tramuntana, I faced a choice: either accede to demands for a rest day or deal with a full scale mutiny from the rest of the family. Being the dutiful father and husband I plumped for the former, and made what became my daily trip to the patisserie on the corner for breakfast pastries. This provided the dubious wildlife highlight of the day when a small butterfly flew across the street in front of me and landed on the only greenery for 100 metres - a pot plant in front of the patisserie. As I suspected, it turned out on closer inspection to be a Geranium Bronze - a first for me - but regarded as a pest in Mallorca where it became established some decades ago following an accidental introduction.
Geranium Bronze (iPhone pic), a native of South Africa, occasionally turns up in Britain, accidentally imported on cultivated flowers - but this was the first I had seen anywhere |
And this was the habitat chosen by the Geranium Bronze - a barren street with a single succulent plant growing from a pot at the entrance to my favourite patisserie - impeccable taste! |
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