Saturday, 26 February 2011
RIP Ray Turley
I was very sad to hear this week of the recent death of Ray Turley, who was very much part of the Dungeness landscape, not to mention the birding scene, when I lived in Kent. I did not know him well but had the benefit of his sharp eyes and wit during several sea-watching sessions at the Point. Next time I think I see a distant Pom or Sooty scudding past at sea, and wish I had someone more knowledgeable alongside to talk me through the finer points of their identification, I will remember him.
Friday, 25 February 2011
Tits and Treecreepers
SAS Crestie
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Snow Bunting on Cairngorm
The rapid rise in temperature in recent days was illustrated by reports that Snow Bunting were present in the Cairngorm car park a few days ago, but
I only came across these birds much higher up the mountain at around the same altitude as the Ptarmigan (see previous post). Three birds were feeding in the small areas of exposed grass near the lochan at the base of the Coire. They allowed a close approa
ch, and on the way back down I realised that the pictures would have been better had I had the presence of mind to wipe increasing amounts of rain from the lens. Always nice birds to see, but particularly in the snow!
Cairngorm challenge
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Every Tit but Willow
Ken Dee Marshes was my second new RSPB reserve of the day, and I was hopeful of photographing Wil
low Tit as this is reportedly the best site in Scotland for the species. Not this afternoon though - Great, Blue, Coal and Long-tailed Tit all came to feeders, but t
he closest I came to Willow was reading about its regular appearance at the same feeders in the hide log. Still, Brambling, Nutchatch, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Red Kite around the reserve made for a worthwhile visit.
Shooting at ISO1600 in dark and damp conditions stretched the camera to its limits, but it seemed to cope reasonably well.
Mersehead welcoming committee
I could hear Tree Sparrows as soon as I arrived at Mersehead this morning and on returning to the small visitor centre after a walk around the reserve there were good numbers attending the feeding station there. Yellowhammer and Greenfinch added colourful photo opportunities, albeit through the windows of the
Barnacles at Mersehead
After getting disappointing views of the Rufous Turtle Dove recently, and now no views of this, I was pretty raritied-out and ready for s
ome proper birding. A dozen Waxwing on the hard shoulder of the M11 as I sat in a traffic jam heading north last night cheered me up, and Mersehead RSPB this morning provided further tonic. Barnacle Geese from the Svalbard population were fewer in number than nearby Caerlaverock, but whereas at the latter they are often quite distant, here the small flocks gave close views from the various tracks around the reserve. A Kingfisher and good numbers of Pintail were present along with more common waterbirds.
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Not quite the Orient
Work and other commitments prevented a mid-week visit to Oxfordshire to see the orientalis Rufous Turtle Dove, leaving little choice but to queue up with the masses on t
he Saturday morning. Heavy rain did a good job of dampening the spirits of 250 would be dove twitchers, but the bird flew into a tree which could be seen from the road allowing most people to get a satisfactory view. At this point the crowd collectively exhaled, some enterprising brownies set up a cake stall, and all seemed well with the wet and windy world. The bird relocated to some nearby trees where telescope views were reasonable. Photography was almost a non-starter - this picture was the best I could manage - the rufous tones of the upperparts can just about be made out. I stuck around for a few more hours but could not improve on the earlier views. An American Wigeon on the way home was not far from the cemetery where my in-laws are buried so having twitched that, I stopped by to put some flowers on the grave in the hope of improving my standing with them - and their very tolerant daughter.
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Pimp my hide
Hampshire Wildlife Trust have done such a great job of demonstrating how restoration of old mineral workings can benefit wildlife at Blashford Lakes that it seems churlish to criticise - but the choice of fixed windows covered with tinted film for two of their showcase hides is a puzzler. The effect is like trying to watch birds through
the window of a pimp's limo. Only two small windows at the extremes of each hide actually open, but unlike a limo where the papparazzi crowd around them trying to pe
ek in, anyone wanting a decent view has to huddle around these trying to see out. If you can cope with queuing patiently, it's worth it for the excellent views of Brambling, Siskin and Redpoll as well as commoner species which attend the well stocked feeders.
The only reason I can think of would be a misguided attempt to stop photographers
'hogging' the view but on the evidence of yesterday, (a) this doesn't necessarily work and (b) it just leads to poor views and frustration for everyone. A bittern showing from the Ivy North hide illustrated the problem nicely - being south facing, you had to factor glare and refl
ections in to your attempt to see one of our most elusive birds hiding in a reedbed. The other hide, deep in dark woodland, hardly needs tinted glass, and the birds seem unperturbed by the open windows, so disturbance, the only other reason I can think of for fixed windows, wouldn't appear to be a risk. Anyway, rant over, I enjoyed my 10 minute ration of good views and photo opportunities before making way for others, and the woodland walk to a cacophony of calling finches was very impressive. The hides aren't the only place to take good photos either - these Siskins were taken just wandering around near the car park.
The only reason I can think of would be a misguided attempt to stop photographers
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Last of the Park Life
A few more pictures of the Ring-billed Gull in Poole Park, taken in better light than on the day of its arrival:
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Poole Park...
...more like Central Park today, with a 1st winter Ring-billed Gull join
ing the Long-billed Dowitcher present all week and attracting a crowd of admirers. Both birds were viewable from the same spot at times, and both were excellent additions to the list of birds I have been able to see within a short walk from home. With the children and their mum safely despatched to 'Gus Gorrillas' playland/cafe (sorry Walpole Park, Gosport - you may have an RBG but you can't
offer that kind of luxury) I had an hour to photograph these confiding birds. The Gull didn't look too well in truth, but the Dowitcher continued to feed very well despite very strong winds - and water levels seem to be rising in the lake, pushing it even closer to the shore. An elderly lady told me that there was a whole flock of Dowitchers further along the shore.
I politely dismissed them as Black-tailed Godwits, though on second thoughts, perhaps I should have checked...
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
More Park Life
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Park life
The more observant Steve Smith had better luck later and was kind enough to let me kn
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