Like that scene in The Hobbit when
Thorin rekindles the furnaces under the Lonely Mountain, or, for the Marvel generation, the one where
Thor reignites the star of Nidavellir to forge Stormbreaker, it's taken a monumental effort to stir this neglected corner of the internet into action. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and the empty space here has been nudging me to make an entry for several weeks now.
Cuckoo is an attractive bird when seen well - which is not often |
Lockdown has, of course, been fertile territory for many an armchair scribbler - not through a surfeit of time in my case as, as a designated 'key worker' (very much at the non-heroic end of the spectrum, I hasten to add), work has been manic. Mucking in with unfamiliar roles, with the added inconveniences of working from home (small town broadband anyone?), and being some 80 miles from the office, has made it mildly stressful. Not that I'm complaining, I've been grateful to be gainfully employed and busy at a worrying time. Plus being at home rather than staying away mid-week as I normally do has provided the added bonus of being able to shout at the kids every day rather than just at weekends.
One of the two male Cuckoo sparring over Swineham |
These birds gave what can only be described as Colin-esque views |
Taken in lovely early morning light |
One of my safe spaces during what we used to think of as the 'hard' lockdown phase, before it turned out to be somewhat optional for the governing classes, was my local patch at Swineham, a short walk from home in Wareham. I suggested to friends prior to the lockdown that enforced visits there to take my state sanctioned exercise ration was my idea of hell, but, conscious that many house-bound birders would have been glad to have ready access to such a high quality bit of greenspace so close to home, this was very much in jest. Those visits all felt a bit rushed though and with the more recent easing of restrictions enabling more leisurely visits, there has been more time to dwell with the camera.
There is usually a Cuckoo or two at Swineham every spring |
To see four individuals this spring was exceptional |
Some flies got in the way in this shot - but I don't do photoshop! |
Note the bared talons which were waved vigorously in the direction of the other male bird |
The days when April fades into May at Swineham are the best time of the year in my eyes, as the song of
Acrocephalus warblers builds into a wall of sound along the banks of the River Frome. In a good year, I have counted over 60 Reed Warblers holding back-to-back territories, outnumbering the much scarcer Sedge Warbler by a ratio of 10:1 (and the resident Cetti's Warbler by 3:1). This year my high count was 57 Reed, 27 Cetti's and 7 Sedge - so a pretty good turnout by the standards of recent years.
A uniquely shaped bird, part raptor part pigeon |
Two male birds continued their contretemps in the treetops... |
...and were then joined by a third bird |
The conflict got quite heated at times |
The longer the breeding season goes on, the easier the warblers seem to be to photograph, as if desperate unpaired males need to take extra risks in showing themselves to attract a mate. So there has been plenty to photograph on recent visits.
Reed Warbler |
Reed Warbler |
Sedge Warbler |
Sedge Warbler |
Swineham can be hard work to watch regularly, with unsympathetic management of the dry bits and too much disturbance from leisure activities on the wet bits meaning that too many visits produce not much to write home about. But the creation of two new wader scrapes last winter has provided a greater incentive to visit. This spring they have attracted such goodies as a Green Sandpiper, a trio of Little Ringed Plover and, best of all, a diminutive Temminck's Stint which I stumbled across on 19th May - probably my best find at that point in the 10 year span of my 'on-off' relationship with Swineham. Well done to the local Natural England Team who negotiated the construction of the scrapes under a stewardship agreement with the landowner. Without them, the pool would undoubtedly have evaporated by now in the warm spring weather.
Sunset at Bestwall |
Cetti's Warbler - difficult to see at Swineham but this one sat up nicely! |
Cetti's Warbler |
Goldfinch on the churchyard wall in Wareham - my route to Swineham takes me through here |
If the Temminck's Stint was the highlight of the spring to that point, in view of its small size and great distance from me it was not the photographic highlight. That honour goes to a trio of Cuckoo which brawled for a couple of hours after dawn on the first weekend after lockdown eased over the hotly contested reedbeds on the banks of the River Frome. Two of these were so intent on each other that they barely noticed me as they sparred, talons bared, in mid-air just yards above my head.
The broken pectoral band helped identify this as a Temminck's Stint |
A tiny wader - dwarfed by a Pied Wagtail |
Note the spangled pattern on the back |
Grey Heron - often seen at Swineham |
Cuckoos seem to be having a good year, possibly some have suggested because lockdowns across the Med reduced the usual spring slaughter of migratory birds - a bittersweet theory if this needless ritual recommences in 2021. But whatever the reason, this is certainly the first year I have been able to confidently identify four individuals at Swineham - the three grey (presumed males) pictured here plus a hepatic (rufous-morph) female seen darting out of the reeds a couple of times.
Swineham is good for all the hirundines in spring - House Martin |
Sand Martin |
Swallows nest around both yacht clubs along the River Frome at Swineham, often perching on the rigging |
Swallow |
So while initially perturbed at the wing-clipping effects of lockdown, I came to embrace it and am now quite thankful for the fact that it reconnected me with the highs and lows of patch birding. I also used the car so little in 10 weeks that I almost forgot how to drive, and am thus far sticking with the habit of staying local, having not left Dorset since 12 March. I'm just mildly ashamed that it's taken a global disaster to get me back to the patch regularly and to move me to post an update here again. I'll try to post something else before the next global crisis erupts - though at the rate they are occurring I can't promise anything...
A pair of Egyptian Geese has been semi-resident at Swineham this spring |
Common Seals sometimes come a long way up the River Frome - even further it seemed given the absence of leisure boats on the water |
Roe Deer are often seen in the meadows around the gravel pits |
Sandwich Terns sometimes fish on the River Frome |
A few Whimbrel usually stop by on spring passage |
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