Now I've definitely used this blog post title before, and about the same park - namely Poole, where I spent a jolly afternoon earlier this week. Illness has kept me off the bike and largely confined to the house for the last fortnight, and the combination of no exercise, no birding and a brutally busy last week at work before a half-term break had left me feeling pretty low.
Red-breasted Merganser, Poole Park lake |
Drake Red-breasted Merganser is a beautiful bird - bottle green head, red bare parts, rufous breast and vermiculated flanks |
A real treat to see one so close |
A rare bit of sunshine appeared on Monday afternoon but the chesty cough I was carrying was still too bad for a bike ride to be sensible, especially in the strong winds. I'm so out of the habit of birding by car that it took a while to occur to me that in such circumstances I could still indulge myself in a short drive around Poole Harbour in search of birds to photograph - a bit of 'brown' birding if you will, just like the old days.
I waited ages for an open bill shot |
Almost a display pose - but there was no-one to display to! |
A nice symmetry to this shot |
An obliging Red-breasted Merganser, photos of which had been posted online, provided one such target so I headed there first. Poole Park Lake often holds a few of this species, usually way out in the middle, but I have also seen them along the southern edge, so parking in the south east corner, I headed clockwise around the lake. I had walked three-quarters of the way around before I found the Merganser but when I did it put on a great show, and although the light wasn't quite behind me it was good enough to get some pleasing shots.
Lovely blue-grey plumage on this Water Rail |
After a few obscured views it eventually came into the open |
Another great bird for this urban location |
And I also saw some good birds on the way, especially for such an urban location - a dozen Med Gulls were starting to moult into breeding plumage, a few Common Gulls were hanging out with them and a couple of close Black-tailed Godwit and Oystercatcher were feeding on the exposed mud. We used to live a short walk from Poole Park when the children were younger so it holds many happy family memories as well as some good birding ones, such as when a Long-billed Dowitcher and a Ring-billed Gull spent some time there just a few yards apart in February 2011.
The Poole Park Ring-billed Gull from 11 years ago |
Long-billed Dowitcher which graced the park at the same time as the Ring-billed Gull |
Common Gull, Poole Park |
Back to February 2022 and having enjoyed close views of the Merg I thought I would try my luck with another park speciality, a Water Rail which had been seen regularly on one of the smaller lakes near the park's miniature railway. After a 10-15 minute wait I caught a glimpse of the Water Rail's legs and frosted side markings partially hidden behind a log before a Moorhen spooked it, then a similar view after a further 15 minute wait, before it eventually came out into the open. A Kingfisher flitted past to add colour to the moment.
Kingfisher, Poole Park |
Black-tailed Godwit, Poole Park |
Black-tailed Godwit, Poole Park |
There was still an hour or two of daylight left so I headed off to another old haunt - the shore of Baiter Park, where one can often sit in the car and watch 'Russian' Dark-bellied Brent Geese feeding on the waterlogged grass. On this occasion they were notable by their absence but as I was photographing a Benelux-ringed Med Gull in the surf a small flock flew in to pose for pictures.
Pale-bellied Brent Goose, Baiter Park |
Pale-bellied Brent with Dark-bellied Brents |
Another good bird for an urban environment |
Among then one bird stood out - it was a Pale-bellied Brent, of the sub-species which breeds in Greenland and Svalbard. The small flock were wary but approachable with care, enabling a few more photos to be taken in lovely light. Having fed in the shallows they eventually made the short hop onto the park itself where they looked glorious against the green grass.
Mediterranean Gull, Baiter Park |
A colour-ringed bird |
Bar-tailed Godwit and Oystercatcher on Shore Road |
The sun was dropping fast now but there was just time to nip down to Shore Road to look for Bar-tailed Godwits. With so much disturbance from watersports enthusiasts and other beach users, just the one was present over the high tide, but another 120 turned up as the water dropped to reveal more mud. A lovely afternoon about town then and just the tonic I needed.
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